Announcement of Tsukuba Conference 21-30 Sept. 2021

Announcement of Tsukuba Conference 2021
Tsukuba Conference 2021 will be held by the Tsukuba Conference Organizing Council. The Tsukuba Conference is an international conference which started in 2019 and this time it will be the second. It aims to be a “young Davos’ summit” to bring together future shapers in the Tsukuba Science City beyond all borders to facilitate discussion among them, and to provide them with the opportunity to express their vision of the future and to meet their collaborators.
Due to COVID-19 situation, sessions of the Tsukuba Conference 2021 will be held either in an online or a hybrid format.
Although the presenters are mainly future shapers, anyone is welcome to join. In particular, sessions for general participants will be held on September 30th, the final day of the event. We are looking forward to your participation.
Outline of Tsukuba Conference 2021
Period of the event:September 21 (Tue.) - 30 (Thu.) (10 days).
Venue: Online/Hybrid (Tsukuba International Congress Center)
Language: English
Participation fee: Free
Registration: Please register in advance on the following Tsukuba Conference 2021 official website.
・Videos introducing the conference as well as each session can be viewed on the Movies page of the official website.
・The video of the opening of the conference will be available on-demand from September 21 at 4:00 UTC on the official website.

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